In Russia they are going to save gambling addicts
The other day it became known that officials from the Ministry of Finance decided to start providing assistance to Russians suffering from gambling addiction. To begin with, a list of gambling addicts will be created. Everyone who is listed in it will not be able to take part in gambling activities, since access to them for these citizens will be limited.
To implement the idea, it will be necessary to pass a bill that will allow self-restrictions on visits to gambling establishments. That is, avid gamblers who do not know how to stop in time will be able to independently prohibit themselves from entering the relevant establishments. These include casinos and bookmakers. Unfortunately, so far we are only talking about legal sites that are allowed to operate in Russia. These are several casinos in special gambling zones and numerous official bookmakers.
If the bill being developed is adopted, then lists of gambling addicts will appear in a year, in September 2024. The process of creating and adding to the list will be controlled by ERAI. This organization has been regulating the activities of bookmakers operating in the Russian Federation for several years. The essence of the new law is that any Russian gambling addict can write an application with a request to be included in a special list. After this, the citizen will not be able to receive winnings from a bookmaker or casino. Even if he manages to somehow achieve success.
It is provided that the trustee of the gambling addict will also have the right to add the name of the gambling addict to this list. All information will be reliably protected, data leaks are impossible (although this is very doubtful). You can withdraw (remove) your name from the list no earlier than four months after it was entered. And for persons who are incapacitated, such an opportunity will appear only after a year.
Some gambling addicts doubt that such an initiative is unlikely to protect them from financial losses. For example, one of them said that if it is not possible to place a bet on their own, gamblers ask friends or relatives to do so. Almost always they manage to find a way out of a situation that does not allow them to have fun gambling in peace. This is the essence of this disease, which is very difficult to fight. It’s not for nothing that psychiatrists compare gaming addiction to alcoholism and drug addiction, which are incredibly difficult to get rid of.